Canvas Beauty

Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility. It usually happens in your 40s or 50s. An emotional symptom of menopause may disrupt your sleep, cause hot flashes, and lower your energy.

We recommend below aromatherapy treatments to treat the illness:
- apply on skin: Add 40 drops Essential Oil into 100ml Carrier Oil, 20 drops for children
- massage: Add 40 drops Essential Oil into 100ml Carrier Oil, 20 drops for children
- bath: Add 7-10 drops Essential oil to bath tub (best work with solvent)

Marjoram Oil

It is excellent to reduce stress, mild anxiety and related conditions.

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Beauty Action

Marjoram is excellent to reduce stress, mild anxiety and related conditions. It can also increase circulation to help with bruises, chilblains.

It is used in treatment of headache, migraine, relieves mental stress and encourages sleep with its warming, comforting natures. It is also useful for treating digestive and menstrual problems. By massage to treat tired aching muscles, perfect for use after sports.

Avoid in the first 3 months of pregnancy and use with care as it is an emmenagogue.

Key Ingredients

  • 100% Pure Essential Oil
  • Origin: Egypt
  • Odour: Characteristic, spicy, herbal
  • Plant Parts: Herb


  1. Add 5-7 drops (0.3mL) to water in a vaporiser or burner.
  2. Add 10 drops (0.5mL) to 15-25mL of vegetable carrier oil for use in massage.